Friday, December 29, 2006
My Poor Blog!
I can't believe I haven't posted in so long! One of my New Year's resolutions is definitely going to be to return to Blogdom!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Oh we stamp and crush through the underbrush!
The elephants were back at Pete's Pond this morning. I heard a bunch of splashing and looked up to see two little ones rolling around in the water, having themselves a great time. They were so amazingly cute! Not the best shot here, but that's one of them laying in the water. When it was time to go a big, leader-type male elephant stood away from the pond, facing the trail, and waited while the rest of them gathered around. They started down the path, stopped for a moment to blow dirt on their backs, then lumbered off together. I seriously <3 me some elephants!

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Home again, home again...
It been a loooooooooong week for for me. My mom called a couple of weeks ago to let me know her latest PET scan wasn't good so my brother and I got together and coordinated a trip down to visit her and my dad in Florida. I wanted my kids to be able to see her, too, so flying there was out of the question. We just don't have that kind of money. It's a 1200 mile trip so I split the drive over two days, spending the night some place in Mississippi. I think the hotel was next to a drag strip but we were so exhausted it didn't faze us a bit. We got to my parent's house in Lakeland around 7:00 pm the next day. We stayed for three days, just hanging out and watching the World Series playoff games on TV. My mom is a HUGE Tigers fan so that's our team. We headed back home Tuesday, stopping for the night near Hammond, LA and finishing up the drive yesterday. Let me tell you, it's good to be home!
It's traditional for us to put together a jigsaw puzzle when we visit my parents so he
re's the crew with our completed puzzle. I can't say I was much help with this one! From left to right is my mom, Tammey (sister-in-law), Evan (son), Sarah (daughter), and Steve (my older brother). If you look close you'll see my two nephews and other brother in the photos on the end table.
My dad got us all hooked on Pete's Pond so check it out! If you're patient you might get so see some interesting critters. We saw a herd of elephants there this morning, and we've seen monkeys and lions, too. Not at the same time, thankfully!
It's traditional for us to put together a jigsaw puzzle when we visit my parents so he

My dad got us all hooked on Pete's Pond so check it out! If you're patient you might get so see some interesting critters. We saw a herd of elephants there this morning, and we've seen monkeys and lions, too. Not at the same time, thankfully!
This week’s SBQ was suggested by Vash and is:
Which way do you stitch, i.e. do you stitch /// followed by \\\ on top, or the other way around \\\ followed by ///? Are you left- or right-handed and do you think that this affects the way that you stitch?
I taught myself to stitch and it just felt natural for me to go \\\ first and cross my stitches going ///. I use my right hand for the big things like writing and throwing and whatnot, but I also use my left for quite a few things, too. I know I stitch the opposite way from most people, so I was always hesitant to participate in round robins because of this. As I became better acquainted with the online stitching community I learned that it wasn't such a huge issue, there were many ways to stitch and no one method was "correct" as long as all your top stitches were going in the same direction. The only time I have switched the way I stitch was when I participated in stitching a baby afghan for an online friend. We were repeating several patterns for the afghan squares and I wanted my section to match everyone else's. :-)
Which way do you stitch, i.e. do you stitch /// followed by \\\ on top, or the other way around \\\ followed by ///? Are you left- or right-handed and do you think that this affects the way that you stitch?
I taught myself to stitch and it just felt natural for me to go \\\ first and cross my stitches going ///. I use my right hand for the big things like writing and throwing and whatnot, but I also use my left for quite a few things, too. I know I stitch the opposite way from most people, so I was always hesitant to participate in round robins because of this. As I became better acquainted with the online stitching community I learned that it wasn't such a huge issue, there were many ways to stitch and no one method was "correct" as long as all your top stitches were going in the same direction. The only time I have switched the way I stitch was when I participated in stitching a baby afghan for an online friend. We were repeating several patterns for the afghan squares and I wanted my section to match everyone else's. :-)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Today’s SBQ was suggested by Sharon and is:
When you find yourself making a lot of mistakes in various stitching projects do you find it better to muddle your way through or do you take a brief break from stitching? If you do take a break, how long do you take?
I hate stitching mistakes! The figuring out where I went wrong, the ripping out, the re-stitching! I count and re-count so many times when I'm working on a piece that I honestly make very few mistakes. When I do, I always get myself back on track and keep stitching. If I take a break it is usually a brief one right after I've discovered the mistake so I can work out my frustration doing something else, like washing dishes or sweeping the back patio. I think my kids have learned that if I'm out back with the broom it's probably not a good sign. :-)
When you find yourself making a lot of mistakes in various stitching projects do you find it better to muddle your way through or do you take a brief break from stitching? If you do take a break, how long do you take?
I hate stitching mistakes! The figuring out where I went wrong, the ripping out, the re-stitching! I count and re-count so many times when I'm working on a piece that I honestly make very few mistakes. When I do, I always get myself back on track and keep stitching. If I take a break it is usually a brief one right after I've discovered the mistake so I can work out my frustration doing something else, like washing dishes or sweeping the back patio. I think my kids have learned that if I'm out back with the broom it's probably not a good sign. :-)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
We're back from El Paso!

Ooooh... a nice su

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monster Mash Time!

Taking DS1 to Ft. Bliss in El Paso tomorrow. It's a 9-10 drive but that's 9-10 more hours I get to spend with my son! We're doing laundry and getting him packed. It's gonna be soooo quiet around here with him gone. :-(
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Lizard Friend

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What a mess! Where is that chart?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Labor Daybor
Woke up to a drizzle that continued the entire day. While I'm grateful to finally be getting some rain here, why does it always happen on the one day of the week I'm allowed to water? Grumble!

We had a nice Labor Day supper, nothing fancy. BBQ ribs, hot dogs, corn on the cob, and pasta salad. I think the rain put us all in a lazy mood!
Hmmm... is it too late for September goals? I still need to work on those.

We had a nice Labor Day supper, nothing fancy. BBQ ribs, hot dogs, corn on the cob, and pasta salad. I think the rain put us all in a lazy mood!
Hmmm... is it too late for September goals? I still need to work on those.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I'm so excited it's finally September! Autumn is almost here and cooler temps are just around the corner! Hooray!
I noticed a lot of bloggers posting lists of what they would like to accomplish each month, which I think is an excellent idea. So I will work on my own list and post it later today. But first... coffee!
I noticed a lot of bloggers posting lists of what they would like to accomplish each month, which I think is an excellent idea. So I will work on my own list and post it later today. But first... coffee!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
This Week's SBQ
This is my first time to post a response to an SBQ. Here we go...
This week’s SBQ was suggested by Carolyn and is:
How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?
So far I have just been taking pictures of my recent finishes and posting them here on my blog to share. I would like to someday have an online photo gallery with photos of all my past finishes, but for the time being the blog keeps me happy. In the real world, I have several of my finished pieces displayed around the house. Some are framed but I also have a few pillows and hanging doodads here and there. I wish I was better at actually finishing my finished pieces so I could display more. :-)
This week’s SBQ was suggested by Carolyn and is:
How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?
So far I have just been taking pictures of my recent finishes and posting them here on my blog to share. I would like to someday have an online photo gallery with photos of all my past finishes, but for the time being the blog keeps me happy. In the real world, I have several of my finished pieces displayed around the house. Some are framed but I also have a few pillows and hanging doodads here and there. I wish I was better at actually finishing my finished pieces so I could display more. :-)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's Raining Cats and Dogs!

Anyway, this is one of those fun SamSarah designs using some wonderful Watercolours. I can't tell you how much I love overdyed fibers! I've had this puppy (haha!) nearly finished for ages, but I wasn't satisfied with the way the cloud turned out. So last night I endured a frogging session and today while it was raining I restitched it. It looks 100% better this time! The only thing missing now are the buttons, which I'm absolutely positive I bought... I think...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Mississippi Memories

In other news, DS1 is home on leave. The noise level in the house has quadrupled. I imagine the grocery bill is next.
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Little Fir Tree

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
All Done!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Summer Suits Me

Almost done with this one. I love the way the sun turned out, all shiny! I still need to add the beads and buttons but I'm not in the mood for a tiny needle.
Another Finish!

Happy Everything!! Isn't it cute?!?! Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with this one!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Two New Projects

Friday, August 04, 2006
Short, Stout, and Finished!

What did arrive today is the new Secret Needle Night kit for August. It looks like it should stitch up really quick. I love the little fish buttons! Looks like this one is going in the To Do pile. :-)

Monkey bread! We only had one can of biscuits so it's a little on the small side, but it was still plenty. And very yummy with my coffee this morning. We used cinnamon biscuits so it was extra tasty. :-)
No work today! Yay!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Daily Update

Still plugging away on the lighthouse teapot. I'd like to get the handle done today and maybe start on the spout. That way it will start to look more like a teapot. :-)
I ordered the finishing kit for it yesterday. It'll be one of those triangle stand-up thingies. I've never made one before so it will be a learning experience, I'm sure.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My First Project

Today my son is a soldier in the US Army. He's currently at Ft. Lee in Virginia for his AIT, and will be heading to Ft. Bliss in El Paso next.
Lighthouse Teapot Part 3

I wasn't able to get much done yesterday, despite having the day off. Too many distractions, plus I really wasn't in the mood for stitching. We'll see what I can get done after work tonight.
It's hard to believe it's August already. It'll be time to pull out all my fall projects soon. :-)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Lighthouse Teapot Progress
My progress as of 7-31. I don't have to work today so I should have time to work on it some more. :-)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
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