Friday, November 30, 2007
The frogs go hopping one by one...
Insert heavy sigh instead of the picture I was hoping to post.
I have some ripping to do now.
I did it!!
Congratulations to all the bloggers who survived NaBloPoMo!
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Several questions this week:
What would your stash tell others about you?
If I could arrange it in a chronological way according to when I bought it, they'd see how my tastes have changed over the years and also how, as I grew more confident in my skills, I ventured into more difficult patterns with specialty stitches. They'd also find that linen is my fabric of choice and I'm absolutely crazy about overdyed fibers.
Most of us stitchers joke about having reached SABLE (stash acquired beyond life expectancy), but have you thought about what you’d like done with your stash after your death? Do you want it to reach other stitchers who will love it, too? Would your family know what to do with it or recognize its value?
I'm taking it with me. Okay, maybe not all of it but I think if I knew I was dying I'd put together a project or two for the trip. And I know I'm taking my Ginghers with me. As for what I leave behind, my family would be clueless as to it's value although my daughter might make the effort to sell it off on eBay.
How well organized is your stash –would someone be able to come in and put together a sale easily, or would it require lots of organizing work ahead of time? What would you like to see done with the funds collected from such a sale, i.e., should funds go to your family, to a charity or charities of your choice, to a charity or charities of your family’s choice, etc.?
I believe it's organized enough for someone to sell it if they decided to. And I'd leave it up to whoever took care of the selling to decide what to do with the money.
Are there certain items in your stash which are rare and highly desired by stitchers that might make a much larger amount of money if sold on eBay? Have you done anything to designate which items these more valuable ones are to guide your family in how to handle them? Who would you tell your family should handle such a sale so that they don’t have to do it themselves? Have you done anything to make these thoughts known to others, either through discussions or through a codicil to your will?
No doubt I have some OOP charts in my stash but I wouldn't know if they were considered rare or highly desired. I imagine my daughter will decide what happens with my miscellaneous personal items after my death and not someone outside of the family. There's nothing in my will regarding my stash but I imagine at some point I'll discuss with my daughter what I'd like her to do with a lot of my things.
Have you ever attended a similar sale of a passed stitcher’s stash? How did it make you feel? Did it encourage you to make any changes in your stitching lifestyle?
Not to my knowledge, although I have bought needlework type items at garage sales in the past, probably being sold by people who lost interest in the hobby.
My Latest Diversion

My daughter borrowed the DVDs from a friend and we've been glued to the television every night for the last week! I never in a million years thought I would like this show, but all I can say now is WOW! I'm hooked!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A Little Treasure

My daughter asked me today, after seeing the preview for the new National Treasure movie, if I thought there were treasures still out there, waiting to be found. Well, there's definitely treasure in my closet!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Oh yeah!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Another Ornie Start
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Little Progress

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Confetti Anyone?
My kitchen and dining area are turned upside down at the moment, but I think we will manage just fine tomorrow with our Thanksgiving dinner. We'll be watching the Macy's parade in the morning and then the dog show that comes on afterwards before getting down to the business of cooking. It makes for a nice long, relaxed kind of day that I thoroughly enjoy.
Safe journey to those of you traveling, and everyone please have a happy Thanksgiving filled with peace and plenty!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Plum Tuckered
No stitching, no pictures... Hmmm... How 'bout a Thanksgiving riddle?
Why didn't the turkey eat dessert?
Give up?
Because he was stuffed!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Feeling Better
Hope everyone is doing well and finding some time to relax!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Another Migraine
Keep On Postin' Baby!
I didn't get to stitch today due to our carpet being installed, but seeing as how I wanted this blog to be mostly about cross stitch, I'll treat you to another picture from our visit to the Silver Needle instead of the one of the carpet layer's backside.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
And I'll be doing that relaxing on my newwwww carpet! That's right! I decided if we were going to sell the house reasonably quick, we needed to take the plunge and have new (albeit cheap) carpet installed. It'll definitely look better than what we have, and if we ever get a painter to show up we'll be good to go to list the house.
I was busy today sewing new valances for the kitchen to try to freshen things up in there. I know I'm probably going a little overboard with some of my preparations but I gave up trying NOT to do too much. I just can't have someone coming into my home and seeing those old valances. And I promise to slow down next week!
So I'll end today's post with a progress picture of my latest project, "Peace". I know I could use some!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Summer Stitches

Monday, November 12, 2007
Happy Dance!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Weekend Report
Saturday, November 10, 2007
It's been one of those days...
Yard crew didn't show up.
Sewing machine quit sewing.
Just in case today is some obscure holiday we've never heard of, we made chocolate chip pancakes for dinner to celebrate. It's okay, I'll make sure everyone has a salad with breakfast tomorrow morning. :-)
Friday, November 09, 2007
L*K Paradise
Thursday, November 08, 2007
This Week's SBQ

When you have to frog out stitches, do you reuse that thread or do you start over with a new strand?
It really depends on the condition of the thread once it's been pulled out, but most of the time I end up tossing it.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
A Little Progress
Some belated responses to comments:
Eve and Marie-P both asked for more details regarding my move. I've been in a long distance relationship for the last five years (or so) and we both decided it's time to close the gap. He lives on a lake outside of Three Rivers, MI, so this city girl is heading north to become a country girl. And eventually the country fella's wife? He hasn't officially asked me yet, but we have discussed it.
Missy, if you ever need stitching goodies, I have enough for several people! :-) BTW, I still haven't put the beads on Winter Moon. How long has that been? I know I was working on it when DS2 was in pre-school and he's 17 now! Of course, it didn't help that I misplaced the little bead packet for, what? 13 years? If I could find the chart I'd be in good shape! :-)
I hope everyone had a great day! I hear some Bluebell ice cream calling my name so I better go see what that's all about! ;-)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm such a weenie!
The meeting with the realtor went well this morning. The only suggestion he had was to paint over the wallpaper in my kitchen/breakfast area. He said it's a little dated. The word I would use is 'ugly'. I never had it replaced because there's miles of it and I really don't think I could handle doing it myself. I didn't know you could just paint/texture over the stuff or I would have had it done a decade ago!
Off to get that cup of coffee and do a little stitching! :-)
Monday, November 05, 2007
I am slowly going crazy...
I've had that song in my head all day! Now it's your turn!
DD is feeling a bit under the weather so I've been keeping her company. We have some winds gusting around outside tonight so maybe fall is finally here. It was in the 80s today so I sure hope so.
Tomorrow is the big day! The realtor is coming by at 9:30. I'm as ready for this as I'm going to be. Well, the house is ready I should say. This has been our home for 15 years so I'm likely to be an emotional mess when it comes to the actual sale.
But we're not going to think about that right now, are we?
Crazy going slowly am I...
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, switch!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Another Cleaning Day
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Busy Saturday

Friday, November 02, 2007
Call Me Miss Dashwood

Take the Quiz here!
She did end up happy in the end, didn't she?