Can you believe a month has passed and it's time for another WIPocolypse report?? I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode! I just home some creepy kid doesn't decide to wish me out into the corn field! (Although, if I can take my stitching with me and there's good lighting out there, it might not be so bad!)
Now on with the shoo...
I have one finish to share for the month... Block One of my Village of Hawk Run Hollow was completed on January 26!

Can I get a woohoo?!?! This is more of a finish within what will hopefully be a much LARGER finish by the end of the year. I have nine more blocks to go, but plenty of time to twiddle my thumbs and toes until it's the end of summer when panic sets in and I start making unrealistic stitchy schedules and planning rotations. Stay tuned!
Now, in my last report I said I wanted to finish up all the Garnet stitching on one page of Peppermint Twist. There honestly isn't much of it left, but did I finish it?

Of course not! I was distracted by the stars (oooh... shiny!) and wanted to get those done. Ever the futzy stitcher, I thought one of them looked like it was a different color than the rest so I ripped it out and restitched it. That made the next star look a little off-color so I re-stitched that one as well. Wash, rinse, repeat. Then it dawned on me I was using an overdyed thread which has a lot of variation in the color. I might be super dense but at least my stars match.
Feeling my progress on PT was much too slow (go figure!) I decided to pull something else out of my WIP basket. Considering our mild weather this winter I decided some Spring stitching would be appropriate, so here is Spring Has Come.

I've been working on the block with the house and bunnies and totally loving the 28-count linen after stitching on 40-count for so long. Plus Prairie Schooler is always a favorite!
We had an absolute blast watching the Super Bowl last night! Or the commercials, I should say. I made up Bingo cards with typical (and some not so typical) things you might see in a Super Bowl commercial. Think "girl in bikini" or "talking animal". It's utterly hilarious to have a group of people yelling "Come on! Say something!" at every dog or horse that shows up on the TV screen! I think we cheered louder when we finally saw a penguin than we did for any touchdown! (We are definitely an odd lot here!)
Thank you for the nice comments on Phil's house. His previous home was completely destroyed in a fire so the process of rebuilding has been bittersweet for him. It's looking more like April before it's finished but that'll be in time for summer on the lake. Let's get another woohoo!
And now it's time to kick back and enjoy the evening! Leftover enchiladas from last night for dinner, some Netflix on the TV, and my stitching! Sounds marvelous!