Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Putting the Lazy in Lazy Daisy

A Year of Celebrations - March
by Hands on Design
After procrastinating for weeks, I finally sat down and stitched March's lazy daisies. I don't know why I thought they were going to be a challenge. It took all of a half hour to complete them and that included watching two how-to videos. Lazy daisy was one of the first stitches I learned back when I was eleven and would pay the lady down the street a dime for embroidery lessons.
I thought they were magical way back then and still do!
I wanted something with bright colors to work on next so I grabbed this kit by SamSarah.
My photography skills don't do the fabric justice. It's 32-ct. WDW Peoria Purple and even though it's showing up more blue it is very purpley! The kit was part of the Silver Needle's With A Little Help From My Friends stitching circle (circa 2017) and came with all the goodies to finish it into the drum. There's even a set of pins to stick in the top!
I am woefully behind on my chores so Aida and I will be staying home today and catching up on the laundry and dusting and vacuuming. It helps that the check engine light is on in my car and I DO NOT want to have to deal with that particular problem today!
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Welcome Sylvie!

We were blessed with the arrival of Sylvia Bomi Lee on March 8th! Mom, Dad, and Baby are doing well, and this "Nan" is over the moon!
Aida and I made the trip to Houston to meet her, and stayed about a week. I wish I didn't live 1000 miles away, but we will do our best to visit as often as we can.
My traveling buddy...
(And yes, she was securely harnessed in the entire trip! Precious cargo!)
In stitching news, my March Year of Celebrations is done except for the lazy daisy stitches. I admit I'm procrastinating!
I didn't take pictures, but in an absolute whirlwind of sewing, I made two crib quilts and three swaddling blankets for Sylvie. I imagine there will be more to come because I can't not scoop up all the baby prints at the fabric store. When she gets older I'll switch to sundresses with coordinating bloomers!
It's good to be back home but, man oh man, I do miss snuggling that baby! In another month I'll forget all about that hour I spent stuck in traffic, and the crazy downpours I had to drive through, and I'll start planning my next trip!