Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Welcome Sylvie!

We were blessed with the arrival of Sylvia Bomi Lee on March 8th! Mom, Dad, and Baby are doing well, and this "Nan" is over the moon!
Aida and I made the trip to Houston to meet her, and stayed about a week. I wish I didn't live 1000 miles away, but we will do our best to visit as often as we can.
My traveling buddy...
(And yes, she was securely harnessed in the entire trip! Precious cargo!)
In stitching news, my March Year of Celebrations is done except for the lazy daisy stitches. I admit I'm procrastinating!
I didn't take pictures, but in an absolute whirlwind of sewing, I made two crib quilts and three swaddling blankets for Sylvie. I imagine there will be more to come because I can't not scoop up all the baby prints at the fabric store. When she gets older I'll switch to sundresses with coordinating bloomers!
It's good to be back home but, man oh man, I do miss snuggling that baby! In another month I'll forget all about that hour I spent stuck in traffic, and the crazy downpours I had to drive through, and I'll start planning my next trip!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on Sylvie's arrival! Glad you and Aida were able to meet her. Your March piece looks good.