Friday, July 18, 2014

Stitch-In 2014 Continues

It is Day 2 of the First Official Chicken Ottoman Empire Stitch-In and I have another finish to share!

Charlotte is modeling her July Woolly Tyme blanket, designed by Sandra Sullivan of Homespun Elegance and stitched by yours truly! Way to rock that fringe, Charlotte!

The sunflower centers were supposed to be filled in with Colonial Knots but seeing as how I find it challenging to make even one remotely well formed knot, I opted to use little black beads instead. Apparently I also find it challenging to find the center of stitched flowers because my beads are... well... less than centered.

You may notice Charlotte's "deer-in-the-headlights" stare. That's because only a few feet away from where she had her photo shoot was this scene of carnage...

Pinky... may he rest...

Housework is done (except for the above mess which will have to wait until the drool has dried before I touch it) and the laundry is underway so it's time to plop down in the stitching chair and continue with my FOCOESI!


cucki said...

Aww sweet pillow
I love it so much xx

melissa said...

As usual, Bud, you make me laugh. :)