I really need to find a support group.
Monday, December 26, 2011
A Little More Christmas Stitching
I really need to find a support group.
Lizzie Kate
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
White Chicken Chili
Ah yes! Another post about food! But 'tis the season to eat, drink, and be merry and, by gum, I plan to do all three!
At the risk of repeating myself I have to say this stuff is gooo-oood! My sister-in-law, Tammey, introduced me to white chili a couple of years ago and, well, it had me at hello. Our "go to" recipe comes from Cook's Country magazine, and we pretty much follow it verbatim except for substituting chicken breasts for the thighs. I have an extremely low tolerance for dark meat chicken. We also leave out the fresh cilantro which I have an even lower tolerance for after having a job that required me to chop mountains of the stuff. One whiff of cilantro and I'm on the floor in a fetal position sucking my thumb. Luckily I don't have the same reaction to the dried, flakey variety so we use that instead. Now, this recipe has a secret ingredient that really sets it apart from any other recipe we tried: a can of white hominy, drained, rinsed, and pureed. It smells gross (oh ye of the sensitive nose) and pureed beans look exactly how you'd think they'd look (ick!), but it really does add a lot of flavor and helps to thicken the chili. Plus it's easy to deal with the hominy when the recipe also includes this:
Four chopped jalapenos! Hoo doggie! These bad boys should come with a warning label: Do not touch any part of your body for 24 hours after handling! No amount of hand washing seems to help, either. You just have to let it wear off.
Anyhoosie, if you're tired of the same ol' same ol' and want to mix it up a bit, give this white chicken chili a try! The recipe can be found online right here:
White Chicken Chili
Anyhoosie, if you're tired of the same ol' same ol' and want to mix it up a bit, give this white chicken chili a try! The recipe can be found online right here:
White Chicken Chili
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Peppermint Bark
Peppermint Bark (courtesy of Miss Paula Deen)
1 cup crushed candy canes
2 pounds white chocolate
Peppermint flavoring, optional
Place candy canes in a plastic bag and crush into 1/4-inch chunks or smaller. (I smacked mine with a rolling pin. Quite satisfying if you're feeling a little Bah Humbug-ish!)) Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Combine candy cane chunks with melted chocolate (add peppermint flavoring at this point if desired). Pour mixture onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment or waxed paper and place in the refrigerator for 45 minutes or until firm. Remove from cookie sheet and break into pieces.
Notes: I didn't want to mess with the whole double boiler thing so I just zapped my chocolate in the microwave, 15 seconds at a time, stirring until it was smoothy smooth. I also added enough peppermint flavoring to make my eyes burn but can't say that it made a huge difference in the final product.
And what would a stitchy blog be without some stitching! It's not much but here is my progress on Christmas Is Forever:
That's about it for me! Wishing everyone holiday cheer!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Holy Cow!
The ice cream was not the biggest surprise, however! Phil also gave me a traditional Claddagh ring he had made especially for me in Ireland!
In stitchy news, I've been working on Lizzie Kate's Christmas Is Forever.
My son left me a note on the fridge reminding me that Christmas is 10 days away. I've done minimal shopping and decorating so it looks like it's time to push it into hyperdrive. My daughter's last final is today so I'm hoping we can meet her for a quick celebratory lunch before she has to go to work, and then get some shopping done.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit, and I hope you are enjoying the holiday season!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday Friday
Hope everyone has something fun to look forward to this weekend! With dinner out tonight and a potluck on Saturday, I should be as stuffed as any Thanksgiving turkey!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
All Done!
Little House Needleworks
stitched with DMC on 28-count Antique Ivory linen
Alas, I totally blew NaBloPoMo this year. My laptop decided to be super uncooperative on a day when I was feeling a mite bit cranky. Not the best combination for posting, so I didn't. And then I didn't some more. It's not every year one gets to fail at two challenges, right!? I'm back into BWO mode, Blogging Without Obligation, which is more my style anyway.
Nothing but gray skies here today, along with some snow flurries. As much as I hate the cold and wet mess that comes with the snow, I do enjoy watching the flakes drift down from the sky. Very relaxing. We've about lost all the leaves off our trees in this area so it's looking a lot like winter outside. My next project is definitely going to be something winter-themed!
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
It's Raining, It's Snowing

Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Here I Go Again
After what will most certainly be my utter failure at successfully completing the Crazy January Challenge, you would think I would swear off this sort of thing. But today I learned of a new challenge for 2012. The WIPocalypse, brought to us by Measi at Measi's Musings. So the way I see it, all those projects leftover from the CJC can now be WIPocalypse projects and I don't have to worry one bit about what didn't get finished! It's all very encouraging! It reminds me a little of Pug Dog Economics!
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Who Moved My Zeitgebers?
Not sure if it's the time change or the fact that I had to drag my butt out of bed at 6:00 this morning, but I am totally ready for a nap.
Progress on Season of Growth has been slow (quelle surprise!) so I won't even bother with the blurry picture. I do have high hopes of finishing it this week, though, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I better find some toothpicks to prop open my eyelids if I expect to get anything accomplished today! (And on a rather bizarre note, I have actually had my eyelids held open with long Q-Tippy things during some very uncomfortable surgery. Best not to revisit that memory!)
Progress on Season of Growth has been slow (quelle surprise!) so I won't even bother with the blurry picture. I do have high hopes of finishing it this week, though, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I better find some toothpicks to prop open my eyelids if I expect to get anything accomplished today! (And on a rather bizarre note, I have actually had my eyelids held open with long Q-Tippy things during some very uncomfortable surgery. Best not to revisit that memory!)
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Dream House Update
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Friday, November 04, 2011
Another LHN Season
Anyhoosie, this is my latest project, Season of Growth from Little House Needleworks. Now, if you do want to remember something about me it's that I love all things LHN! I can't think of a more relaxing way to spend an evenening than working on one of Diane's designs. I'm sure many of you agree, they are an absolute joy to stitch. This is the last of the four "Season of..."s I have left to do. Woohoo! Nothing like feeling that sense of accomplishment before you've actually accomplished something!
Looks like we're in for a pleasant weekend here in southwest Michigan. Maybe our last for a while? People keep mentioning the S-word that comes with that W-thing. Here on the Rocky River, we're keeping it Summer just a little longer!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!
Little House Needleworks,
Season of Growth
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Time Out
Today is being one of those days.
Laptop is completely buggered.
Camera won't stay turned on long enough to take a picture. (Which, yesterday, I couldn't get it to turn off... quelle ironie.)
Even my rechargeable toothbrush seems to have given up on me.
I had stitching to show you, honest Injun, but it will have to wait until the various components of my life decide to cooperate with me.
Until then they'll all be sitting in Time Out. (And with the way this day is going, I'll be starting my own version of Time Out at precisely 5:01pm.)
Laptop is completely buggered.
Camera won't stay turned on long enough to take a picture. (Which, yesterday, I couldn't get it to turn off... quelle ironie.)
Even my rechargeable toothbrush seems to have given up on me.
I had stitching to show you, honest Injun, but it will have to wait until the various components of my life decide to cooperate with me.
Until then they'll all be sitting in Time Out. (And with the way this day is going, I'll be starting my own version of Time Out at precisely 5:01pm.)
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
What's In Your Q-Snaps?
The Drawn Thread,
The Riddle
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Blogging For Blogging's Sake

Is it November already?? Fall is having a party and I haven't even bothered to open my invitation!!
National Blog Posting Month is upon us and, even though my blogging has been sporadic of late, I will do my very best to post every day this month. My laptop has been informed of my intention and for it's part has promised not to flake out on me during the next thirty days. I've had to practically give it CPR every morning for the past two weeks so confidence is fairly low!
Click on the badge above if you're interested in coming along for the ride!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Fall Classic

(Have I mentioned I love baseball?)
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Midwest Stash Exchange

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Their Song... Framed!
Blackbird Designs,
Their Song
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
So Happy Together

If you need me, I'll be staring into two gorgeous blue eyes. :-)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Ladies Only
On a recent trip to Chicago we took a slightly scary but very fast elevator ride up to the 96th floor of the John Hancock building to check out what is rumored to be one of the best views of the city.
Not from the observatory or the lounge...
...but from the ladies' restroom!
What do the men get?

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Hot Diggity Dog!

Today is National Hot Dog Day! Pictured above is the popular Chicago style hot dog, which I have to admit to never trying and had never even heard of until moving up north. You know me, I'm a chili cheese kind of girl! We are headed to the Elkhart County Fair this afternoon so maybe I'll get a chance to try a Chicago dog. We have tickets to the REO Speedwagon concert this evening so I'm hoping the rain holds off. We've been having quite a heat wave here so it's nice to have a bit of a break, but can it wait until after the concert? Please?
Much to talk about but unfortunately it's time for me to fly! (Get it?)
Enjoy your weekend!
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Saturday, April 09, 2011
It's a Happy Bunny Day!
by The Trilogy
stitched on 32-count Dirty Belfast Linen with DMC
Long time, no post, right? Can you tell I got the job I applied for? My days of leisure are over! I did find a little free time and managed to finish up this cute little bunny. It's one of my Crazy January Challenge projects so I can cross another one off my list. I think that's three now, so twelve more to go.
In other bunny news, I saw one hopping through our yard today. He made a bee-line for a couple of mourning doves and sent them fluttering up in the air. It was pretty funny! A very playful bunny and two annoyed birds! Our inside bunny is a picky eater and what she leaves in her food bowl we empty out in the yard for the outside critters. I'd like to think this bun found some tasty bits to nibble on.
With all the birds and critters running around the yard, I guess spring has finally arrived. We're still not seeing any leaves popping out on the trees, but the grass is starting to green up and there are a few things sprouting out of the ground. I might actually take a stab at a garden this year. I'd love some fresh peppers and herbs to cook with!
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend and don't have to work like me, haha!
Crazy January Challenge,
The Trilogy
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A Happy Pillow
I think it's pretty cute in all it's un-perfect-ness. It makes me happy to look at it, too. :-)
I really am thrilled to have my sewing machine up and running. :-)
Finished Finishes,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
At Last! Some Stitching!
And a finish, no less!
God Bless Those
by Shakespeare's Peddler
stitched on 32 count Vintage Exemplar linen
with Gentle Arts Sampler Threads
This was designed by Theresa to commemorate Egypt's recent struggle for freedom, and sold at the Nashville Market as a limited edition kit. My photo does not do the thread colors justice. They are truly gorgeous.
Theresa finished her's into a small pillow with a chenille trim that suits it to a tee. I'll need to make a trip into town for the trim and some stuffing but I'm hoping to duplicate her finish. I did finally find my sewing machine yesterday, but for some crazy reason I didn't pack the foot pedal in the same box. After spending half the day yesterday digging through boxes and cussing whoever did the packing (that would be me...), I finally gave up and tried to find a replacement online. The only one I found was going to cost me $56! I think of purchases like this in terms of how much stash I could buy with the money, so that just wasn't going to cut it!
This morning I remembered how my Mom used to recite "Baby Jesus, lost and found" when she was looking for something. So I sat down and concentrated on where I thought the foot pedal could be. Baby Jesus, lost and found... Baby Jesus, lost and found... and POOF! it came to me! I knew exactly where it was! I'd stored it in a plastic bin which is why it wasn't in the box with the machine! It didn't take me long to find the bin, and sure enough, inside was the foot pedal! Of course, I'm totally on the hook to actually use the machine now!
No word on the job still. Do you think they found out about the sit-in I staged at my high school back in 1977? Those were good times!
That's about all I have to report today from the hovel. Hope this week has been treating you well!
by Shakespeare's Peddler
stitched on 32 count Vintage Exemplar linen
with Gentle Arts Sampler Threads
This was designed by Theresa to commemorate Egypt's recent struggle for freedom, and sold at the Nashville Market as a limited edition kit. My photo does not do the thread colors justice. They are truly gorgeous.
Theresa finished her's into a small pillow with a chenille trim that suits it to a tee. I'll need to make a trip into town for the trim and some stuffing but I'm hoping to duplicate her finish. I did finally find my sewing machine yesterday, but for some crazy reason I didn't pack the foot pedal in the same box. After spending half the day yesterday digging through boxes and cussing whoever did the packing (that would be me...), I finally gave up and tried to find a replacement online. The only one I found was going to cost me $56! I think of purchases like this in terms of how much stash I could buy with the money, so that just wasn't going to cut it!
This morning I remembered how my Mom used to recite "Baby Jesus, lost and found" when she was looking for something. So I sat down and concentrated on where I thought the foot pedal could be. Baby Jesus, lost and found... Baby Jesus, lost and found... and POOF! it came to me! I knew exactly where it was! I'd stored it in a plastic bin which is why it wasn't in the box with the machine! It didn't take me long to find the bin, and sure enough, inside was the foot pedal! Of course, I'm totally on the hook to actually use the machine now!
No word on the job still. Do you think they found out about the sit-in I staged at my high school back in 1977? Those were good times!
That's about all I have to report today from the hovel. Hope this week has been treating you well!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Treasures from Staci
There hasn't been much stitching to speak of here. The days have been grey and dreary and positively dull. Spring is taking it's dear sweet time on getting here and I am in the stitching doldrums. Help!
In other news, I took it upon myself to interview for a part-time job earlier this week and, barring them digging up something nasty in my past, I should be gainfully employed soon.
[Incidentally, the illustration in the background of my photo is from a book by Kit Williams, Masquerade, which contained elaborate clues to a real live treasure (a golden filagree hare pendant) which he had buried somewhere in England. It unfortunately ended in a bit of a scandal when the treasure finder was discovered to have cheated.]
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Tree Frog
Anyhoosie, the story ends well because I do like the trees sooo much better with green leaves and not the monotone gold they were. I also stitched the forgotten 'a' in Isaiah. St. Peter's Church is complete and I can't wait to get started on the next block!
We are going to be heading up to Portage today to run some errands and, as luck would have it, today is also National Pancake Day so we'll be stopping in at IHOP for their annual Children's Miracle Network fundraiser. Short stacks for everyone!

Carriage House Samplings,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Happy Dancing to Their Song
by Blackbird Designs
stitched on 28 ct. Apple Brown Bindy by R&R Reproductions
with WDW fibers
Yes! It is finally done! I had to look back through my blog archives to see when I started this one and I discovered it was my first new start of 2009. Now it gets to be my third finish for 2011. I'd have to do some more checking but I believe this is also my third Blackbird Designs finish. I only wish I'd discovered them sooner as the prices for some of the out of print charts are more than I can afford. I'll keep hoping to find a deal on Ebay!
Next in the Q-Snaps will be my Village of Hawk Run Hollow. I got the first willow tree done on Block 2 easy peasy, but for some reason I'm going cross eyed with the second one. I'm having so much trouble I'm starting to doubt I stitched the first one correctly! But if it is wrong I'm not about to restitch that thing! So why do I keep looking for a mistake? It's like some sort of stitchy psychosis!
Still no sign of spring here. We're stuck in an infinite loop of snow, melt, refreeze, snow, melt, refreeze. My daughter took this picture of a cedar waxwing in a tree near her apartment trying to eat the frozen berries.

Today is Thursday and that means it's spaghetti night! (Missy, if you read this, I still use the sauce recipe you sent me so many years ago!) I must be getting ready for a second hiberation or something because my appetite has been out of control this last week. A sure sign that winter isn't over yet... darn!
Thank you all for stopping by! Here's hoping you have your own finish to report soon!
Blackbird Designs,
Their Song
Monday, February 21, 2011
For Lack of Some Moss
I worked on Their Song over the weekend but it remains unfinished for the time being. That single length of WDW Moss is all I have left and it isn't going to be enough. When I bought the fibers for this chart I didn't realize I would need two skeins of Moss and Havana. Luckily I had the Havana in my stash so I was able to finish up all of those bits. And I could swear I'd bought some Moss knowing I was going to need it, but I couldn't find it in any of the usual places. Today might be the day I actually do some organizing around here!
We've been thrown face first back into winter here in SW Michigan. Yesterday started with snow, which then turned to snow and sleet, which then turned to rain and ice. We're back to snow today and it's a mess out there. There are reportedly 85,000 homes in the area without power. I know ours went out at some point during the night because all the digital clocks were flashing this morning. I am counting my blessings because this old house gets pretty darn cold when the furnace isn't running.
Have y'all checked out the new releases from the Nashville market? ABC Stitch has a nice list of them here. My wishy-wanty list has been growing over the last couple of days!
Hope everyone is staying warm, especially if you're in the midst of this latest wintry mess! Thanks for stopping by!
Blackbird Designs,
Their Song
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Great Backyard Bird Count
I know how much we stitchers love to count, so if you have a spare 15 minutes this weekend, consider participating in the annual Great Backyard Bird Count.

Black-capped Chickadee
(Photo from the GBBC website)

(Photo from the GBBC website)
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