Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Baseball and Boxes
He says he didn't reach over the wall.

Rangers went on to wallop the Yankees, 10-3, but I'm still livid about this call and will probably need a Valium to get through today's game. We lead the series, 3-1, so this could potentially be the last game and Texas will be heading to the World Series.
So my life has been taken over by baseball and boxes since we unloaded the big truck last week. Every day I unpack more stuff and find that I've grossly overestimated the size of this house. I also underestimated the size of my furniture and my armoire now sits outside my bedroom instead of inside where its supposed to be. There's no room for my desk and we can't sit at the dining room table to eat because the china cabinet is in the way. We've managed to redefine 'cozy'.
I haven't picked up any stitching since we've been back unless you count pawing through boxes of stash I haven't seen in over a year. It's quite a distraction when I should be doing more productive things. Like looking for the silverware. And hangers. And something to drink out of other than a coffee mug.
Eventually I will have everything sorted through and things will get back to normal, or as close to normal as we can muster in this household. In the meantime I'll keep tearing open boxes and unwrapping the contents like it's Christmas and shouting things like "Woohoo! A stapler!"
Have a great day, y'all, and LET'S GO RANGERS!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Watching the Texas Rangers right now with fingers and toes crossed. All they need is one more win against Tampa Bay and they'll be heading to the American League Championship Series! Woohoo again!
Monday, October 04, 2010
Happy Dancing on a Pumpkin
Blue Ribbon Designs
Stitched with DMC on 36-count Summer Khaki linen
I finished the border the other night while watching The Shawshank Redemption (which is easily one of my top ten favorite movies), so this guy now resides in the Fuppie Box. I'll have my sewing machine back in my possession in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping to get a couple of projects finished finished before Halloween.
I've had the Halloween stocking booklet from Blackbird Designs in my stash for a while so I think it's about time to pick one to stitch. I've looked through it a few times already and out of the 13 designs there's probably 12 I want to do. Suffice to say, it's going to be a hard choice!
House projects continue. We got the shelves cut and installed in the bathroom. At last! That was one of those projects which kept getting put off so it feels really good to finally have it done. All it lacks now is some trim work and that room will be complete. Oh, and a toilet paper holder that I like and is what I would call 'reasonably priced'. It's really hard to justify spending $21 for this particular item.
Here they are in all their glory:
And this is what lurks behind the wall:
We built this little cubby so we could conveniently pull electric lines and duct work to the second floor. The only heat up there was from it rising through grates in the floor which apparently was how it was done back in the day. I'm sure it kept it acceptably warm for most people but I can just imagine how hard it would be to crawl out from under the covers on cold mornings. This Southerner likes it warm and cozy so when we replaced the furnace we went ahead and installed duct work and vents upstairs. (And that, dear readers, is a horror story for another day!)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a happy Monday!