This past weekend was the FGBB monthly Stitch-a-Thon. I had planned to work on my SB Easter Egg Needleroll on Saturday but picked up Spring Bugs Me instead. It was going so quick I didn't want to put it down. All that's left to do is sewing on a few beads and buttons and it's done. Sunday I worked on Winter Sampler. I didn't get to spend much time on it, but I am finally seeing some progress. The chart is so hard for me to read, I've started shading in the squares that I've stitched and it's helping a TON!

My son gave me a break from cooking dinner this weekend, too! Saturday we had a braided bread stuffed with all sorts of goodies, and Sunday he made a chicken stir fry. Both were delicious!
We made a run to Half Price Books on Sunday and I treated myself to some books on CD. A friend of mine had recommended the Stephanie Plum series of books by Janet Evanovich. So far I'm enjoying the heck out of them, and it's sooo great to be able to stitch while I listen! These are read by Lori Petty. Her voice was familiar but the name wasn't ringing any bells. I looked her up on IMDB and had to scan down the list pretty far before it clicked... she played Kit in A League of Their Own.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!