Monday, December 23, 2024

'Tis the Season

Christmas has come to the Chicken Ottoman Empire! Aida and I kept the decor to a minimum this year... some lights around the windows, a couple of red throw pillows on the couch, a wreath on the front door, and a small table top tree. I might have done more but by the time I ready to start decorating, the stores have been picked over. I did try my hand at making a garland out of paper stars but I've seen better results from Kindergartners!

On the stitching front, I've been working on the latest Stitch Quarterly project called 'Tis the Season.
It's the cutest gingerbread house designed by It's Sew Emma. I'm stitching it on 14-ct. Pistachio aida. Even with aida, I'm having trouble seeing the holes. I found that putting it in a hoop helped tremendously, with the added bonus that if I lean it against my leg I can stitch with both hands. (Or stitch with one hand and throw toys to Aida with the other!) My goal today was to finish the right side of the roof. Tomorrow I will work on the left side and possibly one of the gingerbread trees. That snow looks a little daunting so I'm saving it for last!
If you're wondering about Aida, she has been a very good puppy this year and is anticipating a few new toys in her stocking Christmas morning!
"Pretty please, and thank you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear (read) from you!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time with Aida!
All the best for 2025!