Thursday, July 08, 2010

I Love Watermelon

I needed a break from Winter Wonderland so I stitched up this freebie from The Sampler Girl.

It was a really quick stitch even for sloooooow me. I started it a couple of days ago and finished it up last night while watching the Mythbusters put duct tape tall tales to the test.

(BTW, the myth where they tape a car to a street light actually worked! It was great!)

Looks like we're in for some rain today. I sure hope it cools things down a bit. I've been wilting in this heat! Is everyone else managing to stay cool?

That's about it for me this morning. Think I'll make a run to the hardware store so I can get started on one of these...

1 comment:

stitcherw said...

Very cute finish, and how perfect for summer. Nice progress on Winter as well, that design is so pretty.